Events for Monday, June 18th, 2012
Jack Wise
Mon. June 18th, 2012 VictoriaAn exhibit featuring a selection of stunning and memorable works by Jack Wise. Click for More >>
Latin Fit Monday
Mon. June 18th, 2012 NanaimoGet your groove on with the spicy rhythms of Latin Fit, a fun and energetic fitness class that will have you burning up those stubborn calories in no time. This is a fantastic cardio workout! Click for More >>
Open Mic Night at Dockside
Mon. June 18th, 2012 TofinoOPEN MIC NIGHT! Come down to the pub to enjoy some local talent or show us what you got! Click for More >>
PDA Annual Student Gallery Grand Opening
Mon. June 18th, 2012 VictoriaPacific Design Academy's annual student gallery grand opening. Work from students in all our programs will be on display for everyone to come see.
Click for More >>TRANSFORM Your Work Life | Victoria
Mon. June 18th, 2012 VictoriaHaving �Work You LOVE� is possible! Tired of worrying about what to do about being in a job you don't love (or even like)? Wondering where you can go? What�s next? Click for More >>