Vancouver Island Events Website

Seated Tai Chi & Regular Tai Chi

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Tuesday, December 17th, 2024
12:45 PM to 1:45 PM

Arthritis, Asthma, and rehabilitation from hip and knee replacements are just some of the issues that could benefit from Tai Chi. Learn the "seated mini set" of 17 moves from the108 Moving Meditation, in addition to exercises which stretch the back and spine to improve overall flexibility, balance, and strength. Movements taught in this class can help to increase circulation and lymph flow, as well as to open the joints and stretch the tendons and ligaments. We also offer a regular ongoing Tai Chi class for those who have no trouble standing or with balance. Come and have a little fun with this light hearted group.  contact Elly at [email protected]t for the details.

To register we have a form for you to fill out. 

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