Vancouver Island Events Website

Fundraiser for Madrona Fuentes!

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Friday, June 29th, 2012
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Madrona Fuentes is a fifteen month old baby girl, who was reccently diagnosed with Acute myeloid Leukemia. Her dad grew up in Nanaimo, and the family now lives in Victoria, but they need to stay in Vancouver for the next six months while their baby battles Cancer. Living away from home is expensive and her parents need to take time off work etc, so we are trying to help them with some of their expenses. There will be a live auction, and silent auction. If you have something you could donate, please contact jami easterbrook at 250-741-0622 can be purchased for the event or donations dropped off at Culture Craze at Woodgrove Mall...or just come out to the Old City Station that night to support the family by buying stuff at the auction.

Cost: Adult: $20.00
Category: Everything Else
    Benefit | Fundraiser
Location: Old City Station Pub
Skinner Street, Nanaimo
This event is for Adults
More Info: jami easterbrook
[email protected]
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