Vancouver Island Events Website

Creative Recoding: Step Into Your True Self

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Saturday, September 7th, 2019
12:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Would you like to fall madly in LOVE with yourself and enjoy the journey of self-discovery?

Would you like to lead your life from purpose and live from your truest most authentic place?

Would you like to learn to guide your life with playfulness and creativity?

Find Your True Authentic Self And Fall Madly In Love

The journey to a pure heart can be highly disorienting. This class will help you connect and answer the nagging question of who you truly are and help you shed the heavy cloak you’ve been carrying so you can step into purpose.

It’s powerful to shake-off or re-code the limiting projections from others we have accumulated over the years. Doing this takes compassion, courage, and a will to truly love yourself for who you REALLY are and not the story that you’ve been carrying around.

After all, you have been created by divine design for perfect purpose, and believe it or not, where you are right now is exactly where you’re meant to be, but it is not where you have to stay.

If you’re tired of carrying around the baggage from the past and you are ready to recode a new you then we invite you to sit with yourself quietly for a moment and see if this course resonates with you. We believe only the people who are truly ready will attend.

Do you need clarity and guidance on how to tap into this high frequency for answers?

Do you have a deep desire to discover your inner tools and harness them anytime you like?

Are you a person that wants to go through your experiences with gentleness, respect, harmony and completely align with your free will?

Are you naturally playful or used to be and would like to nurture this side of yourself?

Are you serious about upgrading (Recoding) on all levels; physical, spiritual, emotional, mental?

You will learn how to:

Let go of old stories and beliefs that tell you there is something wrong with you

Accept your body for what it does, not what it looks like

Re-align to your naturally playful and creative self

Believe you are good enough, simply because you are alive!

Discover how to become observant of yourself instead of judging

Learn how your self-talk dictates your feelings and how you can radically shift that

Release resistance to loving yourself and limiting beliefs preventing you from it

Detach from what other people think of you

Learn specific energy techniques to set a new pattern in your body

Don’t wait for permission to discover and be your true self. You are worth the time and effort, the world needs the beautiful you to be you.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson

Workshop Structure:

Start Where You Are

The most important part of this work is making the decision to accept where you are in your process, even though you’re not quite where you want to be yet. We’ll work on stopping the comparison game – where you see everyone else’s life as better than yours. We’ll also be redefining “perfect” and releasing fears and resistance to loving yourself.

Goodbye Beliefs

Limiting beliefs keep us stuck in our way of thinking. We’ll be releasing deep rooted limiting beliefs from childhood and subscribing to new beliefs that serve us in where we want our lives to be. These include not being good enough, that you don’t deserve to be happy, and more.

Forgiving Ourselves

Part of loving ourselves is forgiving ourselves for the past – the times we didn’t do what we think we should have. That includes letting others treat us in unhealthy ways, not speaking up for ourselves and more. This can often create patterns of negative self-talk. This lesson will focus on transforming that self-talk.

Opening Our Hearts for Love

We’ll be releasing negative energy stored specifically in or around our heart space. Releasing stagnant energy that’s specifically trapped in this area helps us to give and receive love more freely – including to ourselves.


When we learn to step out of “Control” we step into creativity! We all have the gift of creativity. When we let go of the illusion of control and open to Recoding with love, peace, and joy our unique gift of creativity flows. When we open to our creativity and our imagination we are opening to the wisdom of the universe and to the infinite love, joy, peace information and creativity that is in each and every one of us.


Cost: Adult: $125.00
Category: Arts | Entertainment
    Arts Classes
    Workshops (Arts)
Everything Else
    Health & Wellness
Location: Cloud 9 Health and Wellness Studio
319b 4th Street , Courtenay
This event is for Adults, Seniors, Singles, Student / College
More Info: Svetlana Koruga
[email protected]
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