Vancouver Island Events Website

Absolute Beginners Vocal Workshops for Adults

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Sunday, July 28th, 2013
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

July 27-29 Adults Only! (Beginner Class)
The absolute beginners vocal workshop is for all of the people who sing along to their radios or in the shower. This class will give you the confidence to come out of your shell and get over your fear of singing in public. A small class environment creates a comfortable and supportive learning environment for students to come out of their vocal shells! Whether you want to join a choir, or sing in a band or just feel confident when you open your mouth to sing anywhere ,this course will give you the skills and confidence to reach your vocal goals. Join instructor Tamara Lea-Martella for an empowering weekend of vocal discovery!
2 day workshop (10am-6pm) $249
Private concert on the third day at 8pm

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