Vancouver Island Events Website

7 Steps to a Successful Painting with Brian Simons

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Sunday, September 29th, 2019
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

If you want to get beyond the barriers and blocks holding you back from your desire to paint, this is the program for you! If you're looking for a fun, unforgettable, inspiring weekend that gives you the tools you need to successfully paint on your own, then you must take this very popular workshop!

To take this course, you are NOT asked to create, invent, imagine, conjure up, fabricate or know anything. You are simply asked to DO the course step by step, as honestly and as faithfully as you can without skipping or combining steps, or adding anything to the instructions for each.

Preliminary sketches, measuring, and drawing are NOT asked of you. If you are an experienced painter, you ARE asked to suspend all that you know or have learned in the past and just DO the course, without editing, questioning, or culling out what you don't like. Results are dependent on doing the simple steps in sequence and NOTHING ELSE!"

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