Vancouver Island Events Website

5th Annual Innate Intensive

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Thursday, June 4th, 2015
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

5th Annual Innate Intensive ~ Starting Thursday, May 7th, 2015 7:00 PM What would shift in your life if you trusted the power within? 30 Day Innate Intensive—building strategies & resources to help you tune in and hear Innate messages, focusing on Body-Mind-Spirit. Cultivate, nourish and expand your inner wisdom, knowing and trust of your self within a health conscious community. For thirty days take 20 minutes to meditate, 20 minutes to journal and 20 minutes of SRI (Somato Respiratory Integration) along with chiropractic adjustments to tune into your inner wisdom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Innate Intensive Event Dates Thurs. 7th—Innate Intensive Kick-off & Triad of Change talk Thurs. 14th—Perception: Journaling Thurs. 21st—Structure: Meditation Thurs. 28th—Behaviour: SRI (Somato Respiratory Integration) Thurs. 4th (June)—Innate Intensive Celebration Start time 7 pm

Call 250 740 0333 to reserve your seat or book your first adjustment (Innate Intensive Registration $200) For more information - "Like" our Facebook page for updates:


Cost: Adult: $200
Category: Everything Else
    Health & Wellness
Location: The Lifehouse Chiropractic Studio ~ Jingle Pot Road
1710 Jingle Pot Road, Nanaimo
This event is for Everyone
More Info: Heather-Lynne Detillieux
[email protected]
Event Website
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