Vancouver Island Events Website

Voice and Place: Culture, Community and Belonging

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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

A group of 23 newcomers to the region had access to intensive training in visual communication and photography basics with local photographer Quinton Gordon. The interactive web component of the exhibition was developed through a series of regional community mapping workshops including a diverse cross-section of participants, and is ongoing, allowing all viewers an opportunity to participate in the project by adding their own images to a community map.

The goals of the project are to:

� Build our capacity to better understand what makes our community welcoming and inclusive;
� Promote and showcase diversity within the region;
� Create an accessible and inclusive conduit to capture local experiences and perspectives; and
� Facilitate the transfer of knowledge regarding cultural diversity over indefinite time.

ICA helps individuals and organizations to connect across cultures. They provide information, support and tools to help immigrants reach their goals. By engaging people through networks, education and arts programming they create a welcoming community.

Cost: Free Event
Category: Arts | Entertainment
Location: Lobby of CRD Headquarters
625 Fisgard Street , Victoria
This event is for Everyone
More Info: Karin Scarth
[email protected]
250-388-4728 ext 129
Event Website
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