Vancouver Island Events Website

The Suitcase Project

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Monday, June 6th, 2022
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Past meets present in a travelling exhibit from the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre, as more than 80 fourth and fifth generation Japanese Canadians and Americans share what they would pack if forcibly removed from their homes today.

The Suitcase Project, photographed by Kayla Isomura, is coming to the Sidney Museum on April 4 and will run until July 4, 2022.

Stemming from the history of Japanese Canadians and Americans during the Second World War, this multimedia exhibit highlights why this history is relevant more than 75 years later.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic several additional public health measures have been put in place at the Museum. Please see the Museum’s website for more details on health and safety protocols.

Cost: Donation
Suggested: $5.00
Category: Arts | Entertainment
    Gallery | Exhibition
Location: Sidney Museum
2423 Beacon Avenue, Sidney
This event is for Everyone
More Info: Sidney Museum
[email protected]
250 655-6355
Event Website
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