Vancouver Island Events Website

Tapestry Weavers of Vancouver Islands

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Friday, April 5th, 2024
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

TAPIS is a group of tapestry weavers from many parts of Vancouver Island, Powell River all the way down to Victoria and the small gulf islands surrounding Vancouver Island

We get together twice a month, a meeting (1st Friday) and a Study Group (3rd Wednesday) Note: Bring your own lunch and beverage

 Our fellow weavers inspire and support each other by sharing tapestry knowledge at our study group and meetings

 We share and exchange a list of local, Canadian & international fiber suppliers

 Some of us attend workshops to further our weaving, textile knowledge and techniques

 Many weavers participate in group tapestry shows

 Several of our members enter exhibitions in Canada, USA, Mexico, Australia and Europe

 Weavers in our group benefit from affiliation with tapestry networks

Cost: At the Door: $2.00
Category: Arts | Entertainment
    Craft & Hobby
    Workshops (Arts)
Location: Bradley Centre
975 Shearme rd off Alberni HWY, Parksville
This event is for Adults, Teens, Seniors, Singles, Student / College
More Info: Mireille Marquis
[email protected]
Event Website
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