PFLAG Support Group
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Pflag is a national charitable organization founded by parents and families who wanted to support their non heterosexual kids.
Pflag Nanaimo supports all members, families, and friends of the 2SLGBTQ+ community with peer-to-peer meetups in our community.
We are a family: A close knit group of individuals of all walks of life, ready to share their experiences, united together for one purpose - to nurture, love, and support each other.
We are here for your family: Here for those who are feeling challenged with a loved one going through the gender/sexual identity journey.
We can be your family: The adopted or extended family of those without a loving, supportive one.
Anyone looking for support or information around gender identity or sexual orientation issues is welcome.
Cost: |
Free Event |
Category: |
Everything Else Community |
Location: |
Nanaimo Family Life
1070 Townsite Road, Nanaimo |
This event is for Adults | |
More Info: |
Cynthia & Cheryl [email protected] Event Website |
Views: | 4799 |