Vancouver Island Events Website

Painting: Series Development

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Wednesday, August 10th, 2022
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

As a prerequisite to this course, students must take 12 photographs (minimum), of what they think of as their ‘neighbourhood’, and bring these with them to the first class. For the preliminary project students paint a triptych from this selection of images, in the style most suited to the individual. From this initial series, students develop a body of work based on a theme. Examples of contemporary artists working in a thematic way will be given throughout the course. Students can work in a painting media of their choice: acrylic, watercolour, gouache or oil. Some painting experience recommended.

Cost: Adult: $195
Category: Arts | Entertainment
    Arts Classes
Online Events
Location: Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson St, Victoria
This event is for Adults, Student / College
More Info: Wendy Welch
[email protected]
Event Website
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