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Friday, March 24th, 2023
Tuesday-Friday: 8:00PM Saturday: 2:00PM

Medea and Jason have escaped the worst. After a harrowing journey across the Mexican–American border, the couple has finally made it safely to the United States, where they can work toward a better life for their family. While Jason is convinced the future looks bright, Medea fears a darker fate as they face the challenges of living without documentation. Blending Euripides’ classic play Medea with Mexican folklore, playwright Luis Alfaro examines the tragedy behind America’s immigration system and the destiny of one family caught in its grip. “Mojada is unpretentious and entertaining… Not only is the play about crossing borders, but Alfaro knows how to walk that line between thunderous naturalism and absurdist pulp, being as our lives often seem composed of both.” – Chicago Tribune

Cost: General: $16-$30
Category: Arts | Entertainment
Location: Phoenix Theatre at UVic
Finnerty Rd, Victoria
This event is for Adults, Seniors, Student / College
More Info: Rose Cory
[email protected]
Event Website
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