Vancouver Island Events Website

Goldstream Farmers Market

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Saturday, September 7th, 2019
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

A Farmers Market in Downtown Langford where every thing we make bake or grow.Enjoy live music Food Trucks a waterpark and playground for the kids and a grass Picnic area.

A farmers' market located in the heart of Langford BC where everything is homemade, handmade or home grown. Enjoy live music, food trucks, water park & playground for the kids and a grassy picnic area. Vendors offer local fruits and vegetables, fresh-baked breads and goodies, unique and quality crafts and textile creations.

Plenty of free parking across the street in the Park & Ride on Station Avenue.


Cost: Free Event
Category: Everything Else
Location: Veterans' Memorial Park - Langford
2830 Aldwynd Rd, Langford
This event is for Everyone
More Info: Market Manager
[email protected]

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