Vancouver Island Events Website

FUSION: Maasai meets Contemporary Dance with Fernando Anuang'a

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Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

This workshop is open to all dance lovers of any experience level. The offering explores the Maasai body-wave and it’s connection between rhythmic breathing voices and undulating torso movements. A key aspect of the dancing, the rhythmic breathing pattern releases tension, and produce overall wellness. Fernando will share the history of Maasai dance & songs and gestures through the vocal breath work, and will introduce the Adumu dancing performed by young Maasai warriors in ceremonies and cultural events.

Tickets are $25,  CCD Members – Free

Anuang’a, an atypical dancer, an autodidact, is supported and inspired by the Maasai songs, ancestral memory, and vocal rhythmic power in his gestural vocabulary and his stark, stunning physical storytelling. His work explores the question of how to evolve Tradition towards Modernity without obliterating one’s tracks, without betraying one’s roots. His work calls on the collective memory, the oral memory. Traditional Future is loyal to the moran, the young warrior, and to the village land, as symbolic roots.

Be sure to catch him in conversation - live - at the Vault with local vocalist and poet, Sonnet L'Abbé (Jan 24) AND at the Port Theatre (Jan 25)

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