Vancouver Island Events Website

Drawing the Subconscious

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Friday, November 25th, 2022
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

In this course students will go deeper in their drawing practice by connecting to their subconscious. Students explore what happens when they try to let go of conscious thinking and work more intuitively in their art practice. During each class, students will practice automatic drawing (similar to what the Surrealists were doing in the 1920s), free form drawing and 'no editing' exercises, as well as create ink blots and use doodling as starting points for picture making. The course will also include meditation exercises and drawing inspired from dreams. Drawing materials and process will focus on mixed media and collage. By doing this work, students will explore what lies below the surface in their subconscious while finding new images and techniques for their art practice. This class is ideal for those who love to draw and are curious to see what new images might come up during these explorations. Suitable for beginners.

Cost: Adult: $475
Category: Arts | Entertainment
Location: Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson St, Victoria
This event is for Adults
More Info: Wendy Welch
[email protected]
Event Website
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