Vancouver Island Events Website

Drawing Nature

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Thursday, January 20th, 2022
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

This course focuses on drawing as an intentional mode of communicating with and connecting to nature. Through a series of directed projects, students develop their drawing skills while gaining a deeper understanding of the natural world. Emphasis will be given to material exploration, mark-making, collaborations and research practices. Topics include micro/macro worlds, ways of seeing, deconstructing narratives of landscape and artmaking in the Anthropocene era. Examples of contemporary and modern artists will be given each week in addition to suggested readings and group critiques. Field trip locations and dates will be discussed on the first day of class. Some drawing experience is recommended.

Cost: Adult: $425
Category: Arts | Entertainment
    Arts Classes
Location: Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson St, Victoria
This event is for Adults
More Info: Wendy Welch
[email protected]
Event Website
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