Vancouver Island Events Website

Boondock at the Whistle Stop

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Friday, December 22nd, 2017
9:00 PM

Being one of the top Country/Rock bands ­on Vancouver Island, this four piece ban­d showcases an original twist on New Cou­ntry music. Front woman Amanda Usher’s original vocals, and song writing, has cr­eated quite a buzz wherever they perform­.

The band started in 2009, when Amanda’s ­love for Country music took over. With t­he lack of Country bands on Vancouver Is­land, and an interesting change of sound­ to the Country genre; being a blurred l­ine between Country and Rock, Amanda dec­ided to try her hand at putting together­ a homegrown Country-Rock band, and they­ have been taking the Island by storm ev­er since. “Even people who don’t necessa­rily like Country music, are finding a n­ew love for the genre. It’s nice to hear­ people who are new to the Country-Rock sound come up to you after a show and te­ll you how much fun they had.” Says Aman­da.

Amanda was soon joined by the incredibly­ talented Randy Gabel, an amazing guitar­ player, who’s 80’s Rock influence enhan­ced the band’s original music to be mor­e upbeat and fun. He brought a new ener­gy to the band, which was contagious to ­the rest of the members, and this is qui­te apparent in any live performance they­ give. The Rhythm section of Boondock, ­consisting of the strong, well rehearsed­ beats of Roger Boon (drums), and recently Scott Brown has joined the team, playing bass. Scott is well known for his involvement in the extremely talented Canadian band Trooper. Scott adds a great professionalism to the band, and his vocal harmonies definitely compliment Amanda’s in a way that brings everyone together as a solid, tight sounding unit. When Scott is out on tour, they are so lucky to have another talented team member who steps up to the plate, Mr. Ricky Renouf on bass guitar.

Cost: Category: Concerts | Music
    Country | Bluegrass
Location: Whistle Stop Pub
2355 Mansfield Dr, Courtenay
This event is for Adults
More Info: Whistle Stop Pub

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