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Vancouver Island Events Website

Book Art Exhibit

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Monday, June 14th, 2021
Hours Monday to Friday – 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday – 12 pm- 4:00 pm Closed Sundays and Holidays

Members of the BC Islands Chapter of CBBAG (Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild) are pleased to announce an exhibit of their latest works.

"Off The Wall: Re-Defining The Map, a Book Art Exhibition"

Portals Annex, Island Savings Centre, Main Floor,

2687 James Street, Duncan

The participating artists will showcase their talents in the "book arts" which refers to traditional binding, papermaking, marbling, artist's books, printmaking, letterpress printing, calligraphy, conservation and restoration. Traditional skills and tools are used, many of which have not changed much since the middle ages, to tell a story in an artful and creative way

. Books are a familiar sight to everyone but book artists often challenge what a book is, how it looks and how it is read. In creating a book, the artist must decide how the story should be presented, which materials will be used to enhance the story, and how the binding will accommodate this presentation. Every aspect of the book is considered in the process. It is a very interactive experience for both the artist and often for the reader as well.

In this digital age it is a comfort to know that the traditional art and craft of bookbinding is alive and well and thriving.

Cost: Free Event
Category: Arts | Entertainment
    Gallery | Exhibition
Location: Portals Annex
, Duncan
This event is for Everyone
More Info: Office Staff
(250) 746-1633
Event Website
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