Vancouver Island Events Website

Be Part of the Heart

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Sunday, February 25th, 2018
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

'Works of HeART Project' invites caring citizens of all ages, and from all walks of life, to stand together in solidarity for victims of bullying, by joining us in forming a huge ‘Human Heart’ on the sports field in the Parksville Community Park in Parksville, BC.

We ask you to please wear pink and ‘Be Part of the Heart’. ♥

We want to convey a strong community message that victims of bullying are not alone. Our hope is that this family-friendly demonstration will set a precedent & inspire other communities to follow suit.

Please layer as it might be chilly, bring an umbrella just in case & invite all your friends, co-workers & bring your families!

The Oceanside Safety Volunteers will be directing traffic & helping with crowd control. The media will be present, as well the RCMP.

FYI: We will be taking photos & videos of the event that will be shared on social media & our website. Some of those photos/video will be featured in a film we will be creating in the future to inspire more 'Works of HeART' in our world.

To go to our Event page on Facebook for more info and/or to JOIN our event, click HERE.  To go to our Works of HeART website and see how YOU can make a difference in your community, click HERE.

To help generate interest and for fun, post:
"I want to be Part of the Heart" on our Facebook page:  Add hashtags: #humanheart event and #pinkshirt (Not mandatory for attendance.)

If you cannot attend our HUMAN HEART event, please help by sharing our event & 'liking' our page. Thank you. Together, we CAN make a difference!

This is a FREE Event, but we will have a donation tin at our info table in case anyone would like to help a little with event expenses.

Parksville Community Park - Sports Field - Corfield Street

Cost: Free Event
Category: Everything Else
Location: Parksville Community Park
141 East Island Highway, Parksville
This event is for Everyone
More Info: Micki Findlay - Project Coordinator

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