Vancouver Island Events Website

All Hands On Board!

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Sunday, September 29th, 2019
3:00 PM

Please join us for an entertaining and joy-filled afternoon concert featuring two pianos with eight hands on board! Lynn Robinson, Dagmar Kilian, Cindy Taylor and Peter Walker are accomplished pianists. Over the years they have been recognized for piano proficiency and talented performances regionally, in the Comox Valley, as well as nationally and internationally. Along with their professional commitments, they enjoy getting together to create music for the delight of all who come. Mark your calendars, enjoy the entertainment, and join us for light refreshments following the concert.

Cost: Donation
Suggested: $10.00
Category: Concerts | Music
Location: St John the Divine
579 5th Street, Courtenay
This event is for Adults
More Info: Linda McAnsh
[email protected]
250 871 2143
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